Note: All of these apply community-wide insofar as they are applicable to the situations in question.
- Do not spam; this most notably includes messages that are some combination of full-caps, lengthy, messy, nonsensical, or repetitive; on Discord, also avoid making excessive/unnecessary noise in voice channels, and be sure to use all channels for their intended purposes.
- Do not ask the server staff for any blocks, items, mobs, privileges, or ranks unless they were lost unfairly or for reasons completely beyond your control.
- Do not overtly advertise anything; mentioning certain things in passing, such as other Minecraft servers that are very well-known, is usually fine, however.
- Do not claim/imply that you’re somebody other than yourself (especially server staff) for any reason.
- Do not exhibit/share/use any behaviour, emojis, files, links, mod capes, mod ears, nicknames, skins, text, or usernames that contain, propagate, or represent bigotry/prejudice, bullying, defamation, doxing, flaming, gore/violence, harassment, hate speech, illegal material, jump scares, malware/scams, nudity/pornography, seizure triggers, trolling, or anything similarly disrespectful/harmful/inappropriate/offensive; please also make a special effort to minimize the discussion of vulgar topics in the presence of younger players.
- Do not grief; this includes modifying anything within 50 blocks of a player’s build without their permission.
- Do not leave the world scattered with thin holes/towers, and do not build any disrespectful/harmful/inappropriate/offensive shapes, structures, or symbols anywhere.
- Do not use any cheats or mods that give you an unfair advantage.
- Do not attempt or threaten to compromize the server’s integrity or other people’s ability to play using lag machines, exploits, cyberattacks, or anything similar.
- Do not ban-evade; this behaviour makes staff far less likely to forgive you, and every additional instance of the same non-compliant player will be banned without hesitation anyway.
- Follow the Minecraft Community Standards and the Discord TOS.
- Do not look for loopholes in the rules; many are intentionally vague, and the server staff reserves the right to respond to any apparent offenses on a case-by-case basis whilst taking nuances into account.